I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my niece…due this week! Back in February I was in Vancouver to shoot a wedding, and took the opportunity to take some maternity photographs of my sister Catherine at Crescent beach. In typical Vancouver style it was wet, damp and cold, far from ideal for a maternity shoot. […]
Posted in life, MaternityTags: Crescent Beach Maternity Shoot, Crescent Beach photography, Crescent Beach Vancouver, maternity Toronto, Maternity Vancouver, Melanie Galbrand, Melanie Galbrand Photography, Melanie Galbrand-Chen, Melanie Galbrand-Chen photography, Natrual light maternity photography, Outdoor maternity shoot Vancouver, toronto baby bump photography, toronto baby photographer, toronto baby photography, Toronto maternity Photographer, Toronto maternity photography, Vancouver baby bump photography, Vancouver Maternity Photographer, Vancouver Maternity Photography, Vancouver Maternity shoot, Vancouver yummy mummy photography